

The Acton-Boxborough Regional School District (the "District") recognizes the importance of technology and its use as a means to educate and communicate. The District provides and maintains hardware and software to support both the delivery of education and the administration of the schools´ operations.   This hardware and software, including, but not limited to, desktops, laptops, netbooks, tablets, access to internal networks, servers and the Internet, are essential to the success of the District.

Acceptable Use

The technology provided by the District is to be used to support the delivery of education and the administration of the schools´ operations.   Incidental personal use is permitted as long as it does not interfere with the District´s educational mission.

Standards of Conduct

The District is committed to having employees who act in legal, ethical, responsible and considerate ways, including when using technology.  When using the District-provided technology, this means that it is inappropriate to engage in communication that uses obscene, profane or vulgar language; is harassing, threatening, bullying, libelous or defamatory; or that discusses or encourages any illegal activity, the inappropriate use of alcohol, the use of illegal drugs, sexual behavior, sexual harassment or bullying.  District employees are reminded that if, in their professional capacities, they obtain information through technology that gives them reasonable cause to believe that a child is suffering physical or emotional injury resulting from abuse or neglect, they must follow the District procedures for filing 51A reports with the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families.

Social Media

The District recognizes that some District employees may maintain personal "blogs" or on-line profiles (for example, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn).  While this use of technology is personal in nature, District employees must remember that such information may be accessed by students, parents and co-workers.  Thus, an employee´s conduct as a private citizen may affect his/her job.  An employee´s conduct away from work that negatively impacts his/her ability to serve as an appropriate role model for students or to otherwise serve as an employee and representative of the District may be grounds for discipline, up to and including termination.  District employees have the responsibility for maintaining appropriate employee-student relationships and boundaries at all times.

Expectation of Privacy

District employees should not have an expectation of privacy with respect to any use of District-provided technology including, but not limited to, information stored on the District´s computer hardware or systems, even information that is protected by a password.   This includes information and files stored on network based file servers as well as information stored on individual hard drives.  This encompasses all applications and programs including, but not limited to, word processing and email.  The school reserves the right to inspect and disclose the contents of any information stored on its systems, networks or equipment, including e-mail messages, when it has a legitimate need as determined by the Superintendent or designee.

Monitored Use

Any use of District-provided technology, including e-mail transmissions and other forms of electronic communication, shall not be considered confidential and may be reviewed at any time by designated staff to ensure appropriate use.   


District employees may not disclose information that is confidential or proprietary to the District, its students or employees or that is protected by data privacy laws.   District employees also may not disclose information in violation of the state and federal laws that protect the confidentiality of student record information. 

Public Records Law Requirements

District employees should use only District accounts to carry out school (work) related business.

Massachusetts General Law requires public employees (this includes employees of school districts) who create, send, receive or maintain documents, communications and the like, in their capacity as public employees,  to retain and disclose such records in compliance with strict provisions of public records laws.   When the District´s accounts are used to create or transmit data, this data is subject to the District´s archival system.  When a District employee uses personal accounts to communicate school business, the District´s ability to comply with the requirements of the Public Records Laws may be compromised. Employees will be required to produce documents as required under Public Records Law.

Disclaimer of Liability

The District shall not be liable for users´ inappropriate use of electronic resources or violations of copyright restrictions, users´ mistakes or negligence, or costs incurred by users.  The District shall not be responsible for ensuring the accuracy or usability of any information found on the Internet.

The Superintendent or designee shall develop and implement regulations, procedures and user agreements consistent with the purposes of this policy and consistent with the mission of the school.   These will be developed for both staff and students.

Employees who violate this policy or who fail to comply with this policy may have the privilege of using District-provided technology denied, revoked or suspended and/or may face disciplinary consequences, up to and including termination. 


For questions with respect to this policy or its application, please contact the Superintendent or his/her designee