Welcome to ParentSquare - your easy parent communication tool for the 2023-2024 school year! To get started, access ParentSquare by clicking the icon in the Google Apps grid of your Inbox (near the Frontline app!). Next, accept the Terms of Service and confirm your account settings for first time access.
Here's a quick guide to start communicating with parents:
Click 'New Post' and select your audience.
Add a Subject line and Description - get creative with images and videos!
Click 'Post Now' or "Preview' first.
Use the default 'Send at user preferred time' time for routine messages. For urgent ones, choose "Send instantly."
Parents can manage their notification preferences. They can control whether they get a daily digest of all Posts from the school/classroom at specific times of the day or whether they receive all Posts right away!
Try sending a Post to your families! Here's a great video from Parent Square or Watch our video from earlier this year!
In Need of More Training?
ParentSquare has all of the training you need just a click away! We recommend starting with their Teacher 101 Course (<30min). After completing the course, you will be able to:
Log-In and navigate the ParentSquare application
Make changes to their Notification Settings and set Office Hours
Add events to the class Calendar
Create Posts
Use Direct Messaging
Upload and share files
Access support and training resources
For more assistance, please enter a Tech Request ticket and we'd be happy to sit down with you to show you more! Happy communicating! 😀